Coastal Mountain Disposal LTD
Business & Professional Services
Monday to Friday 8:ooam to 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday provides a Call Back Service
Driving Directions:
Diving north on HWY 99 , take a left at Nesters Road, Drive straight over the hill. when you come to the bottom, Coastal Mountain Disposal will be on your left hand side along with CME
About Us
Coastal Mountain Disposal is a local disposal company, providing quality & personalized waste, recycling & compost services throughout the Sea to Sky corridor for multifamily dwellings, businesses, and hotels. With people becoming more conscious of their environmental impact, as well as the impact of the companies they choose to support, we are working with local residents', property managers, businesses and developers to personalize and prioritize their waste, recycling and organics programs to help reach the goals of zero waste within the community. We are based out of Whistler and our long-standing local team provides immense local knowledge and familiarity with the Sea to Sky corridor. Coastal Mountain Disposal’s founders have been operating Coastal Mountain Excavations in the corridor for nearly 48 years. The same professionalism and reliability can be expected from CMD. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service while improving your waste management.
Call us for a quote today!
- Providing Professional Waste Management Services throughout the Sea to Sky Corridor