Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre
Activity & Recreation
- 4584 Blackcomb Way Whistler BC V8E 0Y3
- (604) 964-0990
- (866) 441-7522
- (604) 964-0965
- Send Email
- www.slcc.ca
Tuesday - Sunday (Closed Monday)
About Us
The S?wx_wú7mesh Lil?wat7úl Cultural Centre (SLCC) is the result of a pioneering and collaborative partnership between our two distinct Nations: S?wx_wú7mesh and Li´l?wat7u´l. The SLCC shares our two distinct cultures as a means to foster greater understanding of Indigenous peoples around the world. Whistler, a world-class resort destination, is situated on our shared territory, making it a natural setting for our authentic and distinctive cultures to be shared with an international audience. Daily operations at the SLCC include cultural sharing, hourly museum tours, dining at the Thunderbird Cafe, and shopping opportunities at our Gallery and Gift Shop that connect visitors with our knowledgeable Cultural Ambassadors. This spectacular venue is located in Whistler’s Upper Village and close to every luxury amenity in Whistler. It offers three distinct venue spaces within one facility to create the perfect backdrop for hosting unique events.
The S?wx_wú7mesh Lí?wat7ul Cultural Centre (SLCC) in Whistler is a non-profit registered charity*, an Indigenous-owned organization, and employs over 90% Indigenous Ambassadors. All proceeds are invested into meaningful employment, training (including Indigenous Youth Ambassador Program) and cultural revitalization programs for the S?wx_wú7mesh U´xwumixw (Squamish Nation) and Lil?wat7úl (Lil’wat Nation), through the S?wx_wú7mesh Lí?wat7ul Cultural Centre.